Twitter Joint Controller Agreement

Twitter Joint Controller Agreement: What You Need to Know

If your business operates within the EU and uses Twitter to process personal data, then you need to be aware of the Twitter Joint Controller Agreement. This agreement was created to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and it sets out the responsibilities of Twitter and its users when it comes to collecting, storing, and processing personal data.

What is a Joint Controller?

A Joint Controller is a term used within GDPR to describe two or more separate entities that jointly determine the purpose and means of processing personal data. In the case of Twitter, the company and its users are considered to be Joint Controllers, as both parties have a role in collecting and processing personal data.

What is the Twitter Joint Controller Agreement?

The Twitter Joint Controller Agreement is a legal document that outlines the agreement between Twitter and its users in regards to their joint control of personal data on the platform. The main purpose of this agreement is to ensure that both Twitter and its users are compliant with GDPR regulations, and that personal data is processed in a lawful, fair, and transparent manner.

What are the responsibilities of Twitter under the agreement?

Under the Twitter Joint Controller Agreement, Twitter is responsible for:

– Providing users with clear and transparent information on how their personal data is being processed on the platform

– Ensuring that personal data is processed in a secure and confidential manner

– Providing users with the ability to exercise their data protection rights

– Ensuring that any third-party data processors used by Twitter are compliant with GDPR regulations

What are the responsibilities of Twitter users under the agreement?

Under the Twitter Joint Controller Agreement, users of the platform are responsible for:

– Ensuring that they have a lawful basis for collecting and processing personal data on the platform

– Providing clear and transparent information to users on how their personal data is being collected and processed

– Ensuring that any third-party data processors used by the user are compliant with GDPR regulations

– Ensuring that any data protection rights exercised by users are respected and responded to in a timely manner

What are the benefits of the Twitter Joint Controller Agreement?

The Twitter Joint Controller Agreement provides several benefits for both Twitter and its users. From a user perspective, the agreement ensures that their personal data is being processed in a lawful and transparent manner, and that their data protection rights are being respected. From a business perspective, the agreement ensures that Twitter is compliant with GDPR regulations, which can help to build trust with users and avoid potential fines and legal issues.


The Twitter Joint Controller Agreement is an important document that outlines the responsibilities of both Twitter and its users when it comes to processing personal data on the platform. By understanding the agreement and complying with its requirements, businesses can help to build trust with users and avoid potential GDPR-related fines and legal issues.